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orestis.malaspin / rust-101
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
flg_projects / nexus_vdi / nexus
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Nexus VDI is a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) written from scratch in Go and based on Linux/KVM + QEMU.
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Lab with Terraform and any Cloud
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Mise en place d'une architecture clusterisée à haute disponibilité pour Botalista
Dans le cadre de mon travail de Bachelor, je dois étudier le cluster Kubernetes de l'association Botalista afin de concevoir et de mettre en place une nouvelle architecture sans point de défaillance unique.
Documentation technique : https://odari.ch/botalista/
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Outil de visualisation de classement de Page Web. Etude de l'algorithme PageRank. Travail de Bachelor, Sébastien Ollquist.
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Discord bot used as my calendar for school assignments, and exams.
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flg_bachelors / TB / bootiful / Bootiful GRUB
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Project skeleton and boilerplate of a Web-based pseudo SSO portal deployed on a load-balanced KinD cluster
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