From 1fd9d138af8b65a971c54a1e00be1df33f9acea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Orestis Malaspinas <> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 10:14:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] updated index and added intro to make --- figs/complex_makefile.svg | 638 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- | 15 + | 78 ++++- 3 files changed, 417 insertions(+), 314 deletions(-) diff --git a/figs/complex_makefile.svg b/figs/complex_makefile.svg index 45e309d..3232c92 100644 --- a/figs/complex_makefile.svg +++ b/figs/complex_makefile.svg @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" - width="277.53934mm" - height="123.4386mm" - viewBox="0 0 277.53934 123.4386" + width="277.53931mm" + height="175.28888mm" + viewBox="0 0 277.53931 175.28888" version="1.1" id="svg8" inkscape:version="0.92.4 5da689c313, 2019-01-14" @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ borderopacity="1.0" inkscape:pageopacity="0.0" inkscape:pageshadow="2" - inkscape:zoom="0.98994949" - inkscape:cx="580.68379" - inkscape:cy="221.10591" + inkscape:zoom="0.7" + 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-0.203125,-0.3125 -0.5625,-0.3125 v -2.40625 c 0,-0.203125 0,-1.34375 -0.890625,-1.34375 -0.296875,0 -0.703125,0.125 -0.984375,0.515625 C 2.546875,-4.171875 2.265625,-4.359375 1.9375,-4.359375 1.625,-4.359375 1.328125,-4.21875 1.09375,-4 Z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path869" - transform="translate(138.99836,170.63)" - d="M 3.65625,-0.3125 C 3.875,-0.015625 4.34375,0 4.71875,0 c 0.28125,0 0.5,0 0.5,-0.3125 0,-0.296875 -0.25,-0.296875 -0.390625,-0.296875 -0.421875,0 -0.515625,-0.046875 -0.59375,-0.078125 v -2.15625 c 0,-0.703125 -0.546875,-1.546875 -1.984375,-1.546875 -0.421875,0 -1.4375,0 -1.4375,0.734375 0,0.296875 0.203125,0.453125 0.4375,0.453125 0.15625,0 0.4375,-0.09375 0.4375,-0.453125 0,-0.078125 0.015625,-0.09375 0.21875,-0.109375 0.140625,-0.015625 0.265625,-0.015625 0.359375,-0.015625 0.75,0 1.265625,0.3125 1.265625,1.015625 -1.75,0.03125 -2.984375,0.53125 -2.984375,1.484375 0,0.6875 0.625,1.34375 1.640625,1.34375 0.375,0 1,-0.078125 1.46875,-0.375 z m -0.125,-1.859375 v 0.84375 c 0,0.21875 0,0.4375 -0.375,0.609375 -0.359375,0.171875 -0.8125,0.171875 -0.890625,0.171875 -0.625,0 -1.03125,-0.34375 -1.03125,-0.734375 0,-0.484375 0.859375,-0.859375 2.296875,-0.890625 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path871" - transform="translate(144.22873,170.63)" - d="m 3.078125,-3.890625 c 0,-0.3125 -0.0625,-0.40625 -0.390625,-0.40625 H 1.265625 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.296875 0,0.3125 0.25,0.3125 0.40625,0.3125 h 1.125 v 3.078125 H 1.1875 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.78125,0 1.03125,0 1.1875,0 H 4.125 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 3.078125 Z m 0,-1.71875 c 0,-0.265625 -0.21875,-0.484375 -0.5,-0.484375 -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.21875 -0.5,0.484375 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.5,-0.21875 0.5,-0.5 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - 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C 2.25,0 2.5,0 2.5,-0.296875 c 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 1.65625 V -2.375 c 0,-1 0.734375,-1.375 1.25,-1.375 0.515625,0 0.65625,0.28125 0.65625,0.875 v 2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(133.768,158.675)" + id="path851" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 4.234375,-1.90625 c 0.203125,0 0.390625,0 0.390625,-0.359375 0,-1.140625 -0.640625,-2.125 -1.9375,-2.125 -1.1875,0 -2.140625,1 -2.140625,2.234375 0,1.203125 1.015625,2.21875 2.296875,2.21875 1.3125,0 1.78125,-0.90625 1.78125,-1.15625 0,-0.265625 -0.28125,-0.265625 -0.34375,-0.265625 -0.1875,0 -0.265625,0.03125 -0.328125,0.21875 -0.21875,0.5 -0.765625,0.59375 -1.046875,0.59375 -0.75,0 -1.484375,-0.5 -1.65625,-1.359375 z M 1.265625,-2.5 C 1.40625,-3.234375 2,-3.78125 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0.84375,0 0.984375,0 H 4.25 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.234375,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 2.953125 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(149.45909,158.675)" + id="path857" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 4.65625,-2.15625 c 0,-1.25 -0.921875,-2.234375 -2.046875,-2.234375 -1.109375,0 -2.046875,0.984375 -2.046875,2.234375 0,1.265625 0.953125,2.21875 2.046875,2.21875 1.09375,0 2.046875,-0.953125 2.046875,-2.21875 z M 2.609375,-0.546875 C 1.875,-0.546875 1.25,-1.296875 1.25,-2.21875 c 0,-0.90625 0.65625,-1.5625 1.359375,-1.5625 0.71875,0 1.359375,0.65625 1.359375,1.5625 0,0.921875 -0.625,1.671875 -1.359375,1.671875 z m 0,0" + transform="translate(154.68946,158.675)" + id="path859" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="M 3.234375,-0.625 C 3.234375,-0.984375 2.9375,-1.25 2.625,-1.25 2.25,-1.25 2,-0.9375 2,-0.625 2,-0.265625 2.296875,0 2.609375,0 c 0.375,0 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0.421875,0 0.421875,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.21875,-0.3125 -0.578125,-0.3125 v -1.78125 c 0,-0.890625 0.40625,-1.359375 0.828125,-1.359375 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.171875 0.359375,0.8125 v 2.328125 c -0.1875,0 -0.4375,0 -0.4375,0.3125 C 3.578125,0 3.84375,0 3.984375,0 h 0.75 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.203125,-0.3125 -0.5625,-0.3125 v -2.40625 c 0,-0.203125 0,-1.34375 -0.890625,-1.34375 -0.296875,0 -0.703125,0.125 -0.984375,0.515625 C 2.546875,-4.171875 2.265625,-4.359375 1.9375,-4.359375 1.625,-4.359375 1.328125,-4.21875 1.09375,-4 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(133.768,134.765)" + id="path821" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="M 3.65625,-0.3125 C 3.875,-0.015625 4.34375,0 4.71875,0 c 0.28125,0 0.5,0 0.5,-0.3125 0,-0.296875 -0.25,-0.296875 -0.390625,-0.296875 -0.421875,0 -0.515625,-0.046875 -0.59375,-0.078125 v -2.15625 c 0,-0.703125 -0.546875,-1.546875 -1.984375,-1.546875 -0.421875,0 -1.4375,0 -1.4375,0.734375 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0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 3.078125 Z m 0,-1.71875 c 0,-0.265625 -0.21875,-0.484375 -0.5,-0.484375 -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.21875 -0.5,0.484375 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.5,-0.21875 0.5,-0.5 z m 0,0" + transform="translate(144.22873,134.765)" + id="path825" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 1.65625,-3.828125 c 0,-0.3125 0,-0.46875 -0.40625,-0.46875 H 0.53125 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 0,0.296875 0.25,0.296875 0.390625,0.296875 H 0.96875 v 3.078125 h -0.4375 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.125,0 0.375,0 0.515625,0 h 1.59375 C 2.25,0 2.5,0 2.5,-0.296875 c 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 1.65625 V -2.375 c 0,-1 0.734375,-1.375 1.25,-1.375 0.515625,0 0.65625,0.28125 0.65625,0.875 v 2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 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2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(133.768,146.72)" + id="path835" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 4.234375,-1.90625 c 0.203125,0 0.390625,0 0.390625,-0.359375 0,-1.140625 -0.640625,-2.125 -1.9375,-2.125 -1.1875,0 -2.140625,1 -2.140625,2.234375 0,1.203125 1.015625,2.21875 2.296875,2.21875 1.3125,0 1.78125,-0.90625 1.78125,-1.15625 0,-0.265625 -0.28125,-0.265625 -0.34375,-0.265625 -0.1875,0 -0.265625,0.03125 -0.328125,0.21875 -0.21875,0.5 -0.765625,0.59375 -1.046875,0.59375 -0.75,0 -1.484375,-0.5 -1.65625,-1.359375 z M 1.265625,-2.5 C 1.40625,-3.234375 2,-3.78125 2.6875,-3.78125 c 0.515625,0 1.140625,0.25 1.234375,1.28125 z m 0,0" + transform="translate(138.99836,146.72)" + id="path837" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + 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0.421875,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.21875,-0.3125 -0.578125,-0.3125 v -1.78125 c 0,-0.890625 0.40625,-1.359375 0.828125,-1.359375 0.21875,0 0.359375,0.171875 0.359375,0.8125 v 2.328125 c -0.1875,0 -0.4375,0 -0.4375,0.3125 C 3.578125,0 3.84375,0 3.984375,0 h 0.75 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.203125,-0.3125 -0.5625,-0.3125 v -2.40625 c 0,-0.203125 0,-1.34375 -0.890625,-1.34375 -0.296875,0 -0.703125,0.125 -0.984375,0.515625 C 2.546875,-4.171875 2.265625,-4.359375 1.9375,-4.359375 1.625,-4.359375 1.328125,-4.21875 1.09375,-4 Z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path823" - transform="translate(138.99836,134.765)" - d="M 3.65625,-0.3125 C 3.875,-0.015625 4.34375,0 4.71875,0 c 0.28125,0 0.5,0 0.5,-0.3125 0,-0.296875 -0.25,-0.296875 -0.390625,-0.296875 -0.421875,0 -0.515625,-0.046875 -0.59375,-0.078125 v -2.15625 c 0,-0.703125 -0.546875,-1.546875 -1.984375,-1.546875 -0.421875,0 -1.4375,0 -1.4375,0.734375 0,0.296875 0.203125,0.453125 0.4375,0.453125 0.15625,0 0.4375,-0.09375 0.4375,-0.453125 0,-0.078125 0.015625,-0.09375 0.21875,-0.109375 0.140625,-0.015625 0.265625,-0.015625 0.359375,-0.015625 0.75,0 1.265625,0.3125 1.265625,1.015625 -1.75,0.03125 -2.984375,0.53125 -2.984375,1.484375 0,0.6875 0.625,1.34375 1.640625,1.34375 0.375,0 1,-0.078125 1.46875,-0.375 z m -0.125,-1.859375 v 0.84375 c 0,0.21875 0,0.4375 -0.375,0.609375 -0.359375,0.171875 -0.8125,0.171875 -0.890625,0.171875 -0.625,0 -1.03125,-0.34375 -1.03125,-0.734375 0,-0.484375 0.859375,-0.859375 2.296875,-0.890625 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path825" - transform="translate(144.22873,134.765)" - d="m 3.078125,-3.890625 c 0,-0.3125 -0.0625,-0.40625 -0.390625,-0.40625 H 1.265625 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.296875 0,0.3125 0.25,0.3125 0.40625,0.3125 h 1.125 v 3.078125 H 1.1875 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.78125,0 1.03125,0 1.1875,0 H 4.125 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 3.078125 Z m 0,-1.71875 c 0,-0.265625 -0.21875,-0.484375 -0.5,-0.484375 -0.28125,0 -0.5,0.21875 -0.5,0.484375 0,0.28125 0.21875,0.5 0.5,0.5 0.28125,0 0.5,-0.21875 0.5,-0.5 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path827" - transform="translate(149.45909,134.765)" - d="m 1.65625,-3.828125 c 0,-0.3125 0,-0.46875 -0.40625,-0.46875 H 0.53125 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 0,0.296875 0.25,0.296875 0.390625,0.296875 H 0.96875 v 3.078125 h -0.4375 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.125,0 0.375,0 0.515625,0 h 1.59375 C 2.25,0 2.5,0 2.5,-0.296875 c 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 1.65625 V -2.375 c 0,-1 0.734375,-1.375 1.25,-1.375 0.515625,0 0.65625,0.28125 0.65625,0.875 v 2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 v -2.3125 c 0,-1 -0.5,-1.4375 -1.296875,-1.4375 -0.65625,0 -1.109375,0.34375 -1.296875,0.53125 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path829" - transform="translate(154.68946,134.765)" - d="M 3.234375,-0.625 C 3.234375,-0.984375 2.9375,-1.25 2.625,-1.25 2.25,-1.25 2,-0.9375 2,-0.625 2,-0.265625 2.296875,0 2.609375,0 c 0.375,0 0.625,-0.3125 0.625,-0.625 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path831" - transform="translate(159.91982,134.765)" - d="m 4.640625,-1.09375 c 0,-0.265625 -0.28125,-0.265625 -0.34375,-0.265625 -0.15625,0 -0.265625,0.015625 -0.328125,0.21875 -0.0625,0.125 -0.25,0.59375 -0.984375,0.59375 -0.84375,0 -1.5625,-0.703125 -1.5625,-1.609375 0,-0.46875 0.265625,-1.625 1.625,-1.625 0.203125,0 0.59375,0 0.59375,0.09375 0.015625,0.34375 0.203125,0.484375 0.4375,0.484375 0.234375,0 0.453125,-0.171875 0.453125,-0.453125 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2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path837" - transform="translate(138.99836,146.72)" - d="m 4.234375,-1.90625 c 0.203125,0 0.390625,0 0.390625,-0.359375 0,-1.140625 -0.640625,-2.125 -1.9375,-2.125 -1.1875,0 -2.140625,1 -2.140625,2.234375 0,1.203125 1.015625,2.21875 2.296875,2.21875 1.3125,0 1.78125,-0.90625 1.78125,-1.15625 0,-0.265625 -0.28125,-0.265625 -0.34375,-0.265625 -0.1875,0 -0.265625,0.03125 -0.328125,0.21875 -0.21875,0.5 -0.765625,0.59375 -1.046875,0.59375 -0.75,0 -1.484375,-0.5 -1.65625,-1.359375 z M 1.265625,-2.5 C 1.40625,-3.234375 2,-3.78125 2.6875,-3.78125 c 0.515625,0 1.140625,0.25 1.234375,1.28125 z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path839" - 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-0.40625,-0.40625 H 0.53125 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 0,0.296875 0.25,0.296875 0.390625,0.296875 H 0.96875 v 4.875 h -0.4375 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.125,0 0.375,0 0.515625,0 h 1.59375 C 2.25,0 2.5,0 2.5,-0.296875 c 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 1.65625 V -2.375 c 0,-1 0.734375,-1.375 1.25,-1.375 0.515625,0 0.65625,0.28125 0.65625,0.875 v 2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" - style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" - inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> - <path - id="path899" - transform="translate(138.99836,194.541)" - d="m 4.234375,-1.90625 c 0.203125,0 0.390625,0 0.390625,-0.359375 0,-1.140625 -0.640625,-2.125 -1.9375,-2.125 -1.1875,0 -2.140625,1 -2.140625,2.234375 0,1.203125 1.015625,2.21875 2.296875,2.21875 1.3125,0 1.78125,-0.90625 1.78125,-1.15625 0,-0.265625 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1.25,-1.375 0.515625,0 0.65625,0.28125 0.65625,0.875 v 2.265625 h -0.375 c -0.171875,0 -0.421875,0 -0.421875,0.3125 C 2.765625,0 3.046875,0 3.1875,0 h 1.515625 c 0.140625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.25,-0.3125 -0.421875,-0.3125 H 4.25 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(133.768,194.541)" + id="path897" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 4.234375,-1.90625 c 0.203125,0 0.390625,0 0.390625,-0.359375 0,-1.140625 -0.640625,-2.125 -1.9375,-2.125 -1.1875,0 -2.140625,1 -2.140625,2.234375 0,1.203125 1.015625,2.21875 2.296875,2.21875 1.3125,0 1.78125,-0.90625 1.78125,-1.15625 0,-0.265625 -0.28125,-0.265625 -0.34375,-0.265625 -0.1875,0 -0.265625,0.03125 -0.328125,0.21875 -0.21875,0.5 -0.765625,0.59375 -1.046875,0.59375 -0.75,0 -1.484375,-0.5 -1.65625,-1.359375 z M 1.265625,-2.5 C 1.40625,-3.234375 2,-3.78125 2.6875,-3.78125 c 0.515625,0 1.140625,0.25 1.234375,1.28125 z m 0,0" + transform="translate(138.99836,194.541)" + id="path899" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 2.953125,-5.6875 c 0,-0.296875 -0.046875,-0.40625 -0.390625,-0.40625 H 0.984375 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 0,0.296875 0.265625,0.296875 0.40625,0.296875 h 1.28125 v 4.875 h -1.28125 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.578125,0 0.84375,0 0.984375,0 H 4.25 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.234375,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 2.953125 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(144.22873,194.541)" + id="path901" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 2.953125,-5.6875 c 0,-0.296875 -0.046875,-0.40625 -0.390625,-0.40625 H 0.984375 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 0,0.296875 0.265625,0.296875 0.40625,0.296875 h 1.28125 v 4.875 h -1.28125 c -0.15625,0 -0.40625,0 -0.40625,0.3125 C 0.578125,0 0.84375,0 0.984375,0 H 4.25 c 0.15625,0 0.40625,0 0.40625,-0.296875 0,-0.3125 -0.234375,-0.3125 -0.40625,-0.3125 H 2.953125 Z m 0,0" + transform="translate(149.45909,194.541)" + id="path903" /> + <path + inkscape:connector-curvature="0" + style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0" + d="m 4.65625,-2.15625 c 0,-1.25 -0.921875,-2.234375 -2.046875,-2.234375 -1.109375,0 -2.046875,0.984375 -2.046875,2.234375 0,1.265625 0.953125,2.21875 2.046875,2.21875 1.09375,0 2.046875,-0.953125 2.046875,-2.21875 z M 2.609375,-0.546875 C 1.875,-0.546875 1.25,-1.296875 1.25,-2.21875 c 0,-0.90625 0.65625,-1.5625 1.359375,-1.5625 0.71875,0 1.359375,0.65625 1.359375,1.5625 0,0.921875 -0.625,1.671875 -1.359375,1.671875 z m 0,0" + transform="translate(154.68946,194.541)" + id="path905" /> + </g> </g> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="M 53.540145,38.074518 82.398808,67.568442" - id="path1231" + d="m 116.82238,113.9295 27.34676,55.76327" + id="path1231-6-2-1" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="M 146.437,38.174101 117.57833,67.668026" - id="path1231-6" + d="M 198.99759,114.28683 171.65083,170.0501" + id="path1231-6-2-1-3" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="m 172.1248,38.235959 28.85867,29.493924" - id="path1231-6-2" + d="M 80.936549,37.179688 108.28331,92.942959" + id="path1231-6-2-1-6" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="M 256.30826,37.968689 227.44959,67.462613" - id="path1231-6-2-9" + d="M 235.09432,37.557663 207.74756,93.320934" + id="path1231-6-2-1-3-7" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="M 117.57833,89.172055 146.437,118.66598" - id="path1231-6-2-1" + d="M 148.91575,37.368674 121.56899,93.131947" + id="path1231-6-2-1-3-7-5" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> <path style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" - d="M 200.98347,88.7499 172.1248,118.24382" - id="path1231-6-2-1-2" + d="m 172.59578,37.557662 27.34676,55.763273" + id="path1231-6-2-1-3-7-5-3" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" /> </g> diff --git a/ b/ index 14ea4c8..11ae8f6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ corrige: false ## Base 2 [PDF](base_2.pdf) +- Représentation variables en mémoire. +- Les pointeurs. +- Les fonctions. +- Les tableaux. + +## Base 3 [PDF](base_3.pdf) + +- Structures. +- Allocation dynamique de mémoire. +- Prototypes de fonctions. +- Génération d'un exécutable. +- Préprocesseur. + +## Introduction à `make` [PDF](make.pdf) + - Représentation variables en mémoire. - Les pointeurs. - Les fonctions. diff --git a/ b/ index b17a481..04ae295 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -112,4 +112,80 @@ rebuild: clean hello {#fig:complex_makefile width=100%} ::: -:::::::::::::: \ No newline at end of file +:::::::::::::: + +# Factorisation + +:::::::::::::: {.columns} + +::: {.column width="55%"} +## Ancien `Makefile` + +```bash +hello: hello.o main.o + gcc hello.o main.o -o hello + +hello.o: hello.c hello.h + gcc -Wall -Wextra -c hello.c + +main.o: main.c + gcc -Wall -Wextra -c main.c + +clean: + rm -f *.o hello + +rebuild: clean hello +``` +::: +::: {.column width="45%"} + +## Nouveau `Makefile` + +```bash +CC=gcc -Wall -Wextra + +hello: hello.o main.o + $(CC) $^ -o $@ + +hello.o: hello.c hello.h + $(CC) -c $< + +main.o: main.c + $(CC) -c $< + +clean: + rm -f *.o hello + +rebuild: clean hello +``` + +::: +:::::::::::::: + +# Variables + +## Variables utilisateur + +- Déclaration + + ```bash + id = valeur + id = valeur1 valeur2 valeur3 + ``` +- Utilisation + + ```bash + $(id) + ``` +- Déclaration à la ligne de commande + + ```bash + make CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall" + ``` + +## Variables internes + +- `$@` : la cible +- `$^` : la liste des dépendances +- `$<` : la première dépendance +- `$*` : le nom de la cible sans extension -- GitLab