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main.c 20.9 KiB
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 * Author: Baptiste Coudray
 * School: HEPIA
 * Class: ITI-3
 * Year 2020-2021

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gol.h"
#include "gfx.h"
#include "../futhark_mpi/dispatch.h"
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#define INDEX_2D_TO_1D(y, x, nb_columns) ((y) * (nb_columns) + (x))
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#define ROOT_RANK 0
#define FPS 60
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//int createGridCommunicators(MPI_Comm *cartComm, MPI_Comm *rowComm, MPI_Comm *colComm, int nProc) {
//    int gridN = (int) sqrt(nProc);
//    int dimensions[2] = {gridN, gridN};
//    int periods[2] = {true, true}; // Cyclic on row-column
//    MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimensions, periods, 1, cartComm);
//    /* Create row communicator */
//    int remainDims[2] = {false, true};
//    MPI_Cart_sub(*cartComm, remainDims, rowComm);
//    /* Create column communicator */
//    remainDims[0] = true; // rows
//    remainDims[1] = false; // columns
//    MPI_Cart_sub(*cartComm, remainDims, colComm);
//    return gridN;
//int *divideBoard(int n, int chunkN, int nProc) {
//    int *indexes = calloc((size_t) nProc * 2, sizeof(int));
//    for (int i = 0, y = 0, x = 0; i < nProc; ++i) {
//        indexes[i * 2] = y;
//        indexes[i * 2 + 1] = x;
//        x += chunkN;
//        if (x >= n) {
//            x = 0;
//            y += chunkN;
//        }
//    }
//    return indexes;
//void shareAndBuildEnvelope(int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelope, int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelope, MPI_Comm rowComm,
//                           MPI_Comm colComm, int gridN, int coordinates[2], int chunkN, int chunkM) {
//    int coordinateY = coordinates[0];
//    int coordinateX = coordinates[1];
//    MPI_Request requests[16] = {0};
//    int iRequest = 0;
//    // North
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorth = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelopeNorth = &chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, 1, chunkM)];
//        int destSource = (coordinateY - 1) < 0 ? (gridN - 1) : (coordinateY - 1);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorth, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_ROW_TAG, colComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send south row, which correspond to north envelope */
//        MPI_Irecv(chunkBoardEnvelopeNorth, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_ROW_TAG, colComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // East
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeEast = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(EAST_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelopeEast = &chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(EAST_INDEX, 1, chunkM)];
//        int destSource = (coordinateX + 1) % gridN;
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeEast, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, EAST_COLUMN_TAG, rowComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send west column, which correspond to east envelope */
//        MPI_Irecv(chunkBoardEnvelopeEast, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, WEST_COLUMN_TAG, rowComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // South
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouth = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelopeSouth = &chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, 1, chunkM)];
//        int destSource = (coordinateY + 1) % gridN;
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouth, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_ROW_TAG, colComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send north row, which correspond to south envelope */
//        MPI_Irecv(chunkBoardEnvelopeSouth, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_ROW_TAG, colComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // West
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeWest = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(WEST_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelopeWest = &chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(WEST_INDEX, 1, chunkM)];
//        int destSource = (coordinateX - 1) < 0 ? (gridN - 1) : (coordinateX - 1);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeWest, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, WEST_COLUMN_TAG, rowComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send east column, which correspond to west envelope */
//        MPI_Irecv(chunkBoardEnvelopeWest, chunkN, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, EAST_COLUMN_TAG, rowComm,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    int8_t missingCells[4] = {0};
//    // North-East
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorthEast = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, chunkN - 1, chunkN)];
//        int destSrcY = (coordinateY - 1) < 0 ? gridN - 1 : coordinateY - 1;
//        int destSrcX = (coordinateX + 1) % gridN;
//        int destSource = INDEX_2D_TO_1D(destSrcY, destSrcX, gridN);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorthEast, 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_EAST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send south-west cell, which correspond to north-east cell */
//        MPI_Irecv(&missingCells[1], 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_WEST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // South-East
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouthEast = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, chunkN - 1, chunkN)];
//        int destSrcY = (coordinateY + 1) % gridN;
//        int destSrcX = (coordinateX + 1) % gridN;
//        int destSource = INDEX_2D_TO_1D(destSrcY, destSrcX, gridN);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouthEast, 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_EAST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send north-west cell, which correspond to south-east cell */
//        MPI_Irecv(&missingCells[2], 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_WEST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // South-West
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouthWest = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int destSrcY = (coordinateY + 1) % gridN;
//        int destSrcX = (coordinateX - 1) < 0 ? gridN - 1 : coordinateX - 1;
//        int destSource = INDEX_2D_TO_1D(destSrcY, destSrcX, gridN);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeSouthWest, 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_WEST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send north-east cell, which correspond to south-west cell */
//        MPI_Irecv(&missingCells[3], 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_EAST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//    }
//    // North-West
//    {
//        int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorthWest = &chunkBoardMyEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, 0, chunkN)];
//        int destSrcY = (coordinateY - 1) < 0 ? gridN - 1 : coordinateY - 1;
//        int destSrcX = (coordinateX - 1) < 0 ? gridN - 1 : coordinateX - 1;
//        int destSource = INDEX_2D_TO_1D(destSrcY, destSrcX, gridN);
//        MPI_Isend(chunkBoardMyEnvelopeNorthWest, 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, NORTH_WEST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest++]);
//        /* Neighbour send south-east cell, which correspond to north-west cell */
//        MPI_Irecv(&missingCells[0], 1, MPI_INT8_T, destSource, SOUTH_EAST_CELL_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
//                  &requests[iRequest]);
//    }
//    MPI_Waitall(16, requests, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
//    /* Copy missing cells into the envelope */
//    chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, chunkN, chunkM)] = chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(
//            EAST_INDEX, 0, chunkM)] = missingCells[1];
//    chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, chunkN, chunkM)] = chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(EAST_INDEX,
//                                                                                                        chunkN,
//                                                                                                        chunkM)] = missingCells[2];
//    chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(SOUTH_INDEX, 0, chunkM)] = chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(WEST_INDEX,
//                                                                                                   chunkN,
//                                                                                                   chunkM)] = missingCells[3];
//    chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(NORTH_INDEX, 0, chunkM)] = chunkBoardEnvelope[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(WEST_INDEX,
//                                                                                                   0,
//                                                                                                   chunkM)] = missingCells[0];
//void chunkBoardToBoard(int8_t *board, int n, const int8_t *chunkBoard, int chunkN, const int *indexes, int rank) {
//    int y = indexes[rank * 2];
//    int x = indexes[rank * 2 + 1];
//    for (int i = 0; i < chunkN; ++i) {
//        for (int j = 0; j < chunkN; ++j) {
//            board[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(y + i, x + j, n)] = chunkBoard[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(i, j, chunkN)];
//        }
//    }
//int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//    if (argc < 3) {
//        printf("%s <deviceName> <boardN>\n", argv[0]);
//        exit(0);
//    }
//    int myRank;
//    int nProc;
//    /* MPI Initialization */
//    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
//    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
//    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProc);
//    srand((unsigned int) myRank);
//    MPI_Comm cartComm, rowComm, colComm;
//    int gridN = createGridCommunicators(&cartComm, &rowComm, &colComm, nProc);
//    int myCartRank;
//    MPI_Comm_rank(cartComm, &myCartRank);
//    int coordinates[2] = {0};
//    MPI_Cart_coords(cartComm, myCartRank, 2, coordinates);
//    /* Futhark Initialization */
//    struct futhark_context_config *contextConfig = futhark_context_config_new();
//    futhark_context_config_set_debugging(contextConfig, 1);
//    int nbDevices = atoi(argv[1]);
//    char device[3] = {0};
//    snprintf(device, sizeof(device), "#%d", myRank % nbDevices);
//    futhark_context_config_set_device(contextConfig, device);
//    struct futhark_context *futharkContext = futhark_context_new(contextConfig);
//    /* GoL Initialization */
//    int boardN = atoi(argv[2]);
//    int boardNN = boardN * boardN;
//    int chunkN = (int) (boardN / sqrt(nProc));
//    int chunkNN = chunkN * chunkN;
//    int chunkM = chunkN + 2;
//    int *indexes = divideBoard(boardN, chunkN, nProc);
//    int8_t *board = myRank == ROOT_RANK ? calloc((size_t) boardNN, sizeof(int8_t)) : NULL;
//    int8_t *chunkBoard = calloc((size_t) chunkNN, sizeof(int8_t));
//    int8_t *chunkBoardMyEnvelope = calloc(((size_t) (4 * chunkN)), sizeof(int8_t));
//    int8_t *chunkBoardEnvelope = calloc(((size_t) (4 * chunkM)), sizeof(int8_t));
//    initChunkBoard(chunkBoard, chunkN);
//    /* GFX Initialization */
//    struct gfx_context_t *gfxContext =
//            myRank == ROOT_RANK ? gfx_create("Game of Life", (uint) boardN, (uint) boardN) : NULL;
//    if (myRank == ROOT_RANK && !gfxContext) {
//        fprintf(stderr, "Graphic mode initialization failed!\n");
//        return EXIT_FAILURE;
//    }
//    if (myRank == ROOT_RANK) {
//        SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE);
//    }
//    bool exit = false;
//    while (!exit) {
//        struct futhark_i8_2d *futChunkBoard = futhark_new_i8_2d(futharkContext, chunkBoard, chunkN, chunkN);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        struct futhark_i8_2d *futChunkBoardMyEnvelope;
//        futhark_entry_get_envelope(futharkContext, &futChunkBoardMyEnvelope, futChunkBoard);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        futhark_values_i8_2d(futharkContext, futChunkBoardMyEnvelope, chunkBoardMyEnvelope);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        shareAndBuildEnvelope(chunkBoardMyEnvelope, chunkBoardEnvelope, rowComm, colComm, gridN, coordinates, chunkN,
//                              chunkM);
//        struct futhark_i8_2d *futChunkBoardEnvelope = futhark_new_i8_2d(futharkContext, chunkBoardEnvelope, 4, chunkM);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        struct futhark_i8_2d *futNextChunkBoard;
//        futhark_entry_next_chunk_board(futharkContext, &futNextChunkBoard, futChunkBoard, futChunkBoardEnvelope);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        futhark_values_i8_2d(futharkContext, futNextChunkBoard, chunkBoard);
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        if (myRank == ROOT_RANK) {
//            chunkBoardToBoard(board, boardN, chunkBoard, chunkN, indexes, myRank);
//            int8_t *tmpChunkBoard = calloc((size_t) chunkNN, sizeof(int8_t));
//            MPI_Status status = {0};
//            for (int i = 0; i < nProc - 1; ++i) {
//                MPI_Recv(tmpChunkBoard, chunkNN, MPI_INT8_T, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, CHUNK_BOARD_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
//                chunkBoardToBoard(board, boardN, tmpChunkBoard, chunkN, indexes, status.MPI_SOURCE);
//            }
//            free(tmpChunkBoard);
//        } else {
//            MPI_Send(chunkBoard, chunkNN, MPI_INT8_T, ROOT_RANK, CHUNK_BOARD_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//        }
//        if (myRank == ROOT_RANK) {
//            SDL_PumpEvents();
//            SDL_Event event;
//            SDL_PollEvent(&event);
//            exit = gfx_keypressed() == SDLK_ESCAPE ||
//                   (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE);
//            gfx_clear(gfxContext, COLOR_BLACK);
//            for (int y = 0; y < boardN; ++y) {
//                for (int x = 0; x < boardN; ++x) {
//                    int cell = (int) board[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(y, x, boardN)];
//                    gfx_putpixel(gfxContext, x, y, MAKE_COLOR(cell * 255, cell * 255, cell * 255));
//                }
//            }
//            gfx_present(gfxContext);
//        }
//        futhark_context_sync(futharkContext);
//        futhark_free_i8_2d(futharkContext, futChunkBoard);
//        futhark_free_i8_2d(futharkContext, futChunkBoardMyEnvelope);
//        futhark_free_i8_2d(futharkContext, futChunkBoardEnvelope);
//        futhark_free_i8_2d(futharkContext, futNextChunkBoard);
//        MPI_Bcast(&exit, 1, MPI_C_BOOL, ROOT_RANK, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//        usleep(1000000 / FPS);
//    }
//    free(indexes);
//    free(chunkBoard);
//    free(chunkBoardEnvelope);
//    free(chunkBoardMyEnvelope);
//    if (myRank == ROOT_RANK) {
//        free(board);
//        gfx_destroy(gfxContext);
//    }
//    futhark_context_free(futharkContext);
//    futhark_context_config_free(contextConfig);
//    MPI_Comm_free(&cartComm);
//    MPI_Comm_free(&rowComm);
//    MPI_Comm_free(&colComm);
//    MPI_Finalize();
//    return 0;

void print_chunk_board(chunk_info_t *ci) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ci->dimensions[0]; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < ci->dimensions[1]; ++j) {
            printf("%d ", ((int8_t *) ci->data)[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(i, j, ci->dimensions[1])]);
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void init_chunk_board(chunk_info_t *ci) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ci->dimensions[0]; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < ci->dimensions[1]; ++j) {
            ((int8_t *) ci->data)[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(i, j, ci->dimensions[1])] = rand() % 2;
void compute_next_chunk_board(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhark_context *fc, chunk_info_t *ci) {
    envelope_t outer_envelope = get_outer_envelope(dc, fc, 1);
    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_north = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,
    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_north_east = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_east = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_south_east = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,
    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_south = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_south_west = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_west = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_north_west = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc,,

    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_chunk_board = futhark_new_i8_2d(fc, ci->data, ci->dimensions[0], ci->dimensions[1]);
    struct futhark_i8_2d *fut_next_chunk_board;
    futhark_entry_next_chunk_board(fc, &fut_next_chunk_board, fut_chunk_board, fut_north_west, fut_north,
                                   fut_west, fut_east, fut_south_west, fut_south, fut_south_east);
    futhark_values_i8_2d(fc, fut_next_chunk_board, ci->data);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_chunk_board);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_next_chunk_board);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_north_west);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_north);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_north_east);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_west);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_east);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_south_west);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_south);
    futhark_free_i8_2d(fc, fut_south_east);
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int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    int my_rank;
    int world_size;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
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    struct futhark_context_config *fut_config = futhark_context_config_new();
    struct futhark_context *fut_context = futhark_context_new(fut_config);
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    int board_n = atoi(argv[1]);
    int board_m = atoi(argv[2]);
    int board_dimensions[2] = {board_n, board_m};
    struct dispatch_context *disp_context = dispatch_context_new(board_dimensions, sizeof(int8_t), 2);
    chunk_info_t ci = get_chunk_info(disp_context);
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    /* GFX Initialization */
    struct gfx_context_t *gfx_context =
            my_rank == ROOT_RANK ? gfx_create("Game of Life", (uint) board_dimensions[0], (uint) board_dimensions[0])
                                 : NULL;
    if (my_rank == ROOT_RANK && !gfx_context) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Graphic mode initialization failed!\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (my_rank == ROOT_RANK) {

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    bool exit = false;
    while (!exit) {
        /* GoL Iteration */
        compute_next_chunk_board(disp_context, fut_context, &ci);
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        /* Recover GoL board */
        int8_t *board = get_data(disp_context);
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        if (my_rank == ROOT_RANK) {
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            SDL_Event event;

            exit = gfx_keypressed() == SDLK_ESCAPE ||
                   (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE);

            gfx_clear(gfx_context, COLOR_BLACK);
            for (int y = 0; y < board_dimensions[0]; ++y) {
                for (int x = 0; x < board_dimensions[1]; ++x) {
                    int cell = (int) board[INDEX_2D_TO_1D(y, x, board_dimensions[1])];
                    gfx_putpixel(gfx_context, x, y, MAKE_COLOR(cell * 255, cell * 255, cell * 255));
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        MPI_Bcast(&exit, 1, MPI_C_BOOL, ROOT_RANK, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        usleep(1000000 / FPS);
    if (my_rank == ROOT_RANK) {
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