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Verified Commit 413fe6a2 authored by baptiste.coudray's avatar baptiste.coudray
Browse files

Added LBM from @orestis.malaspin

parent 7a46ac22
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......@@ -1057,6 +1057,10 @@ static envelope_t *get_outer_envelope_2d(struct dispatch_context *dc, int thickn
return outer_envelope;
typedef struct lbm_values {
float values[27];
} lbm_values_t;
static envelope_t *get_outer_envelope_3d(struct dispatch_context *dc, int thickness, envelope_t *inner_envelope) {
int coordinate_y = dc->coordinates[0];
int coordinate_x = dc->coordinates[1];
......@@ -1990,17 +1994,17 @@ get_chunk_with_envelope(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhark_context *fc,
switch (dc->n_dimensions) {
case 1:
result = get_chunk_with_envelope_1d(dc, fc, outer_envelope,
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t)) f);
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t)) f);
case 2:
result = get_chunk_with_envelope_2d(dc, fc, outer_envelope,
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t,
int64_t)) f);
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t,
int64_t)) f);
case 3:
result = get_chunk_with_envelope_3d(dc, fc, outer_envelope,
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t, int64_t,
int64_t)) f);
(void *(*)(struct futhark_context *, const void *, int64_t, int64_t,
int64_t)) f);
......@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ extern envelope_t *get_inner_envelope(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhar
extern envelope_t *get_outer_envelope(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhark_context *fc, int thickness);
//extern void *
//futhark_outer_envelope_new(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhark_context *fc, envelope_t *outer_envelope,
// void *f(struct futhark_context *, const void *), char *futhark_type);
extern chunk_info_t get_chunk_info(struct dispatch_context *dc);
extern void *get_chunk_with_envelope(struct dispatch_context *dc, struct futhark_context *fc, int thickness,
......@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ let augment_2d [n][m][ty][tx] (matrix:[n][m]u8) (envelope: envelope_2d_t [n][m][
) :> [new_n][new_m]u8
let augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube :[n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8 =
let ty = length
let tx = length[0]
let ty = length
let tx = length envelope.left.surface[0]
let tz = length envelope.front.surface[0,0]
let new_n = n + ty * 2
let new_m = m + tx * 2
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ let augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube :[n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8
-- Top-South
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= tx && j < (m+tx) && k >= 0 && k < tz) then[i,j-tx,k]
-- Top-Surface
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= tx && j < (m+tx) && k >= tz && k < (l+tz)) then[i,j-tx, k-tz]
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= tx && j < (m+tx) && k >= tz && k < (l+tz)) then[i,j-tx,k-tz]
-- Top North
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= tx && j < (m+tx) && k >= (l+tz) && k < new_l) then[i,j-tx, k-l-tz]
-- Top South East
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ let augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube :[n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8
-- Top East
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= tz && k < l + tz) then[i,j-m-tx,k-tz]
-- Top North East
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= k+tz && k < new_l) then[i,j-m-tx,k-l-tz]
else if (i >= 0 && i < ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then[i,j-m-tx,k-l-tz]
-- Front-West
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= 0 && j < tx && k >= 0 && k < tz) then envelope.front.west[i-ty, j, k]
......@@ -195,12 +195,16 @@ let augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube :[n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= 0 && j < tx && k >= tz && k < l+tz) then envelope.left.surface[i-ty, j, k-tz]
-- Back West
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= 0 && j < tx && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.back.west[i-ty, j, k-l-tz]
-- Front Surface
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= tx && j < m+tx && k >= 0 && k < tz) then envelope.front.surface[i-ty, j-tx, k]
-- Back Surface
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= tx && j < m+tx && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.back.surface[i-ty, j-tx, k-l-tz]
-- Front East
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= 0 && k < tz) then envelope.front.east[i-ty, j-m-tx, k]
-- Right
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= tz && k < l+tz) then envelope.left.surface[i-ty, j-m-tx, k-tz]
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= tz && k < l+tz) then envelope.right.surface[i-ty, j-m-tx, k-tz]
-- Back East
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.back.west[i-ty, j-m-tx, k-l-tz]
else if (i >= ty && i < n+ty && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.back.east[i-ty, j-m-tx, k-l-tz]
-- Bottom-South-West
else if (i >= n+ty && i < new_n && j >= 0 && j < tx && k >= 0 && k < tz) then envelope.bottom.south_west[i-n-ty,j,k]
......@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ let augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube :[n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8
-- Bottom East
else if (i >= n+ty && i < new_n && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= tz && k < l + tz) then envelope.bottom.east[i-n-ty,j-m-tx,k-tz]
-- Bottom North East
else if (i >= n+ty && i < new_n && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= k+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.bottom.north_east[i-n-ty,j-m-tx,k-l-tz]
else if (i >= n+ty && i < new_n && j >= m+tx && j < new_m && k >= l+tz && k < new_l) then envelope.bottom.north_east[i-n-ty,j-m-tx,k-l-tz]
else cube[i-ty, j-tx, l-tz]
else cube[i-ty, j-tx, k-tz]
) :> [new_n][new_m][new_l]u8
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ project(lattice_boltzmann C)
set(GCC_COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic")
set(GCC_COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic -fsanitize=address,undefined")
endif ()
......@@ -18,7 +18,117 @@ entry augment_1d [n][tx] (xs: [n]u8) (envelope: envelope_1d_t [tx]) :[]u8 = env.
entry augment_2d [n][m][ty][tx] (matrix: [n][m]u8) (envelope: envelope_2d_t [n][m][tx][ty]) :[][]u8 = env.augment_2d matrix envelope
entry augment_3d [n][m][l] (cube: [n][m][l]u8) (envelope: envelope_3d_t) :[][][]u8 = env.augment_3d cube envelope
-- Program for Lattice-Boltzmann in Futhark
-- Arrays everywhere
-- Two useful functions for later
let tabulate_4d 'a (p: i64) (n: i64) (m: i64) (o: i64) (f: i64 -> i64 -> i64 -> i64 -> a): *[p][n][m][o]a =
map1 (f >-> tabulate_3d n m o) (iota p)
let dotprod (xs: []f32) (ys: []f32): f32 =
reduce (+) 0 (map (\(x, y) -> x * y) (zip xs ys))
let map3d 'a [nx][ny][nz]'b (f: a -> b) (xs: [nx][ny][nz]a): [nx][ny][nz]b =
map(\xs1 ->
map(\xs2 ->
map(\xs3 ->
f xs3
) xs2
) xs1
) xs
let map2_3d 'a 'c [nx][ny][nz]'b (f: a -> c -> b) (xs: [nx][ny][nz]a) (ys: [nx][ny][nz]c): [nx][ny][nz]b =
map2(\xs1 ys1 ->
map2(\xs2 ys2 ->
map2(\xs3 ys3 ->
f xs3 ys3
) xs2 ys2
) xs1 ys1
) xs ys
------------ CONSTANTS -------------
module d3q27 = {
let c: [][]f32 = [
[ 0, 0, 0],
[-1, 0, 0], [ 0,-1, 0], [ 0, 0,-1],
[-1,-1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [-1, 0,-1],
[-1, 0, 1], [ 0,-1,-1], [ 0,-1, 1],
[-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1], [-1, 1,-1], [-1, 1, 1],
[ 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 0, 1],
[ 1, 1, 0], [ 1,-1, 0], [ 1, 0, 1],
[ 1, 0,-1], [ 0, 1, 1], [ 0, 1,-1],
[ 1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1,-1], [ 1,-1, 1], [ 1,-1,-1] ]
let w: []f32 = [
2.0/27, 2.0/27, 2.0/27,
1.0/54, 1.0/54, 1.0/54,
1.0/54, 1.0/54, 1.0/54,
1.0/216, 1.0/216, 1.0/216, 1.0/216,
2.0/27, 2.0/27, 2.0/27,
1.0/54, 1.0/54, 1.0/54,
1.0/54, 1.0/54, 1.0/54,
1.0/216, 1.0/216, 1.0/216, 1.0/216
let compute_rho [nx][ny][nz][q] (f: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32): [nx][ny][nz]f32 =
map3d(\fxyz ->
reduce (+) 0 fxyz
) f
let compute_j [nx][ny][nz][q][d] (f: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32)(c: [q][d]f32): [nx][ny][nz][d]f32 =
map3d(\fxyz ->
map(\ci ->
dotprod ci fxyz
) (transpose c) -- intrinsic
) f
let compute_feq [nx][ny][nz][q][d] (w: [q]f32) (c: [q][d]f32)(rho: [nx][ny][nz]f32)(j: [nx][ny][nz][d]f32): [nx][ny][nz][q]f32 =
map2_3d(\rho_xyz j_xyz ->
let u = map(\ji -> ji / rho_xyz) j_xyz
let u_sqr = dotprod u u
in map2(\wi ci ->
let c_u = dotprod ci u
in wi * rho_xyz* (1 + 3*c_u + 4.5 * c_u * c_u - 1.5 * u_sqr)
) w c
) rho j
let collision [nx][ny][nz][q] (f: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32)(feq: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32) (omega: f32): [nx][ny][nz][q]f32 =
map2_3d (\f_xyz feq_xyz ->
map2(\f_i feq_i ->
(1-omega) * f_i + omega * feq_i
) f_xyz feq_xyz
) f feq
let collide [nx][ny][nz][q][d] (f: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32) (omega: f32) (w: [q]f32) (c: [q][d]f32): [nx][ny][nz][q]f32 =
let rho = compute_rho f
let j = compute_j f c
let feq = compute_feq w c rho j
in collision f feq omega
let streaming [nx][ny][nz][q][d] (f: [nx][ny][nz][q]f32) (c: [q][d]f32): [nx][ny][nz][q]f32 =
tabulate_4d nx ny nz q (\x y z i ->
let next_x = (x - (i64.f32 c[i,0]) + nx ) % nx
let next_y = (y - (i64.f32 c[i,1]) + ny ) % ny
let next_z = (z - (i64.f32 c[i,2]) + nz ) % nz
in f[next_x, next_y, next_z, i]
let main_loop [nx][ny][nz] (fin: [nx][ny][nz][27]f32)(omega: f32) (max_t: i64): [nx][ny][nz][27]f32 =
let f = loop f = fin for _i < max_t do
streaming (collide f omega (copy d3q27.w) (copy d3q27.c)) (copy d3q27.c)
in f
entry next_chunk_lbm [n][m][l][b] (chunk_lbm :[n][m][l][b]f32) :[][][][b]f32 =
-- TODO: Here, compute next lbm
let next_lbm = chunk_lbm
let next_lbm = (main_loop (chunk_lbm :> [n][m][l][27]f32) 1.0 1) :> [][][][b]f32
in next_lbm[1:n-1, 1:m-1, 1:l-1, :]
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include "lbm.h"
......@@ -20,20 +21,20 @@ typedef struct lbm_values {
float values[NB_VALUES];
} lbm_values_t;
void init_chunk_lbm(chunk_info_t *ci) {
float *data32 = ci->data;
lbm_values_t *data32 = ci->data;
for (int i = 0; i < ci->dimensions[0]; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < ci->dimensions[1]; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < ci->dimensions[2]; ++k) {
int idx = INDEX_3D_TO_1D(i, j, k, ci->dimensions[1], ci->dimensions[2]);
data32[idx] = rand() % 2;
for (int l = 0; l < NB_VALUES; ++l) {
data32[idx].values[l] = ((float) rand() / (float) rand());
struct futhark_f32_4d *
convert_chunk_with_envelope(struct futhark_context *fc, const void *data, int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1, int64_t dim2) {
return futhark_new_f32_4d(fc, data, dim0, dim1, dim2, NB_VALUES);
......@@ -70,21 +71,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int lbm_dimensions[3] = {atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3])};
MPI_Datatype cell;
int lengths[1] = {NB_VALUES};
MPI_Aint displacements[3];
struct lbm_values dummy_values;
MPI_Aint base_address;
MPI_Get_address(&dummy_values, &base_address);
displacements[0] = MPI_Aint_diff(displacements[0], base_address);
MPI_Datatype types[1] = {MPI_FLOAT};
MPI_Type_create_struct(1, lengths, displacements, types, &cell);
struct dispatch_context *disp_context = dispatch_context_new(lbm_dimensions, cell, 3);
int count = 1;
int array_of_blocklengths[] = {NB_VALUES};
MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[] = {offsetof(struct lbm_values, values)};
MPI_Datatype array_of_types[] = {MPI_FLOAT};
MPI_Datatype tmp_type, my_mpi_type;
MPI_Aint lb, extent;
MPI_Type_create_struct(count, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements,
array_of_types, &tmp_type);
MPI_Type_get_extent(tmp_type, &lb, &extent);
MPI_Type_create_resized(tmp_type, lb, extent, &my_mpi_type);
struct dispatch_context *disp_context = dispatch_context_new(lbm_dimensions, my_mpi_type, 3);
chunk_info_t ci = get_chunk_info(disp_context);
......@@ -95,5 +96,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return MPI_Finalize();
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