return {
event = { "VeryLazy" },
build = "deno task --quiet build:fast",
config = function()
-- default config:
auto_load = true, -- whether to automatically load preview when
-- entering another markdown buffer
close_on_bdelete = true, -- close preview window on buffer delete
syntax = true, -- enable syntax highlighting, affects performance
theme = 'dark', -- 'dark' or 'light'
update_on_change = true,
app = 'browser', -- 'webview', 'browser', string or a table of strings
-- explained below
filetype = { 'markdown', 'quarto' }, -- list of filetypes to recognize as markdown
-- relevant if update_on_change is true
throttle_at = 200000, -- start throttling when file exceeds this
-- amount of bytes in size
throttle_time = 'auto', -- minimum amount of time in milliseconds
-- that has to pass before starting new render
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("PeekOpen", require("peek").open, {})
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("PeekClose", require("peek").close, {})