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Commit 8386b38f authored by orestis.malaspin's avatar orestis.malaspin
Browse files

corrected typo causing compilation error

parent d5ad56c4
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......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let compute_fout(f_in: f64)(feq: f64)(omega: f64): f64 =
-- updates f_out at every point
let collide [n] (f_in: *[9][n]f64)(rho: *[n]f64)(u: *[n]vector)(tau: f64)(nx: i32)(ny: i32): *[9][n]f64 =
let collide [n] (f_in: [9][n]f64)(rho: *[n]f64)(u: *[n]vector)(tau: f64)(nx: i32)(ny: i32): *[9][n]f64 =
let ind = unflatten(9)(n) (flatten_3d (tabulate_3d 9 nx ny (\i x y ->
let next_x = (x-(i32.f64 c[i].1) + nx) % nx
let next_y = (y-(i32.f64 c[i].2) + ny) % ny
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