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Commit fd0927b7 authored by Vincent Andrey's avatar Vincent Andrey
Browse files

Commit des fichiers du tp, il ne manque que le SDL et commentaires

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\ No newline at end of file
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Makefile 0 → 100644
CC = gcc -Wall -Wextra -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=leak -lm
TraitImage: TraitImage.o TraitImageMain.o matrix.o
$(CC) $^ -o $@
TraitImage.o: TraitImage.c TraitImage.h
$(CC) $^ -c $<
matrix.o: matrix.c matrix.h
$(CC) $^ -c $<
TraitImageMain.o: TraitImageMain.c
$(CC) $^ -c $<
rm -f *.o TraitImage
rebuild: clean TraitImage
\ No newline at end of file
File added
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "matrix.h"
#include "TraitImage.h"
pgm_error pgm_read_from_file(pgm *p, char *filename){
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f==NULL){
printf("Ce fichier n'existe pas.\n");
return failure;
char tab[20];
int lines;
int columns;
int max;
fscanf(f,"%s %d %d %d", tab, &lines, &columns, &max);
printf("%s\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", tab, lines, columns, max);
p->max = max;
matrix_alloc(&(p->pixels), lines, columns);
for(int i = 0; i < lines; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < columns; k++){
uint8_t tmp = 0;
p->[i][k] = (int)tmp;
return success;
pgm_error pgm_write_to_file(pgm *p, char *filename){
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(fp, "P5\n%d %d\n%d\n", p->pixels.n, p->pixels.m, p->max);
for(int i = 0; i <p->pixels.m; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < p->pixels.n; k++){
uint8_t tmp = p->[i][k];
return success;
pgm_error pgm_negative(pgm *neg, const pgm *const orig){
matrix_alloc(&(neg->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
neg->max = orig->max;
for(int i = 0; i < orig->pixels.m; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < orig->pixels.n; k++){
neg->[i][k] = orig->max - 1 - orig->[i][k];
return success;
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_hori(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig){
matrix_alloc(&(sym->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
sym->max = orig->max;
for(int i = 0; i < orig->pixels.m; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < orig->pixels.n; k++){
sym->[i][k] = orig->[i][sym->pixels.m-k-1];
return success;
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_vert(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig){
matrix_alloc(&(sym->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
sym->max = orig->max;
for(int i = 0; i < orig->pixels.m; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < orig->pixels.n; k++){
sym->[i][k] = orig->[sym->pixels.m-i-1][k];
return success;
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_cent(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig){
matrix_alloc(&(sym->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
sym->max = orig->max;
for(int i = 0; i < orig->pixels.m; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < orig->pixels.n; k++){
sym->[i][k] = orig->[sym->pixels.m-i-1][sym->pixels.m-k-1];
return success;
pgm_error pgm_photomaton(pgm *photomaton, const pgm *const orig){
matrix_alloc(&(photomaton->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
photomaton->max = orig->max;
int ix = 0;
int iy = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < orig->pixels.m; i+=2){ //Va aux deux lignes de pixels suivants à chaque boucle
iy = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < orig->pixels.n; k+=2){ //Va au groupe de 2x2 pixels suivant sur les deux lignes actuelles à chaque boucle
photomaton->[ix][iy] = orig->[i][k]; //Pixel en haut à gauche (groupes pixels 2x2),
photomaton->[((orig->pixels.m)/2)+ix][iy] = orig->[i+1][k]; //Pixel bas gauche
photomaton->[ix][((orig->pixels.n)/2)+iy] = orig->[i][k+1]; //pixel haut droite
photomaton->[((orig->pixels.m)/2)+ix][((orig->pixels.n)/2)+iy] = orig->[i+1][k+1]; //pixel bas droite
return success;
pgm_error pgm_crop(pgm *crop, const pgm *const orig, int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y0, int32_t y1){
crop->max = orig->max;
matrix_extract_submatrix(&(crop->pixels), orig->pixels, x0,x1,y0,y1);
return success;
pgm_error pgm_conv(pgm *conv, const pgm *const orig, const matrix *const kernel, int32_t norme){
matrix_alloc(&(conv->pixels), orig->pixels.m, orig->pixels.n);
conv->max = orig->max;
for(int i=0; i < orig->pixels.m; i++){
for (int k=0; k < orig->pixels.n; k++){
int pixel_val = 0;
for(int x = -(kernel->m/2); x < (kernel->m/2) + 1; x++){
for(int y = -(kernel->n/2); y < (kernel->n/2) + 1; y++){
if((i + x < 0) || (i + x > orig->pixels.m - 1) || (k + y <0) || (k + y >orig->pixels.n - 1)){
pixel_val += 0;
pixel_val += orig->[i+x][k+y]*kernel->data[x+(kernel->m/2)][y+(kernel->n/2)]/norme;
else if(pixel_val<0){
conv->[i][k] = pixel_val;
return success;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "matrix.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef enum _pgm_error {
success, failure
} pgm_error;
typedef struct _pgm{
int32_t max;
matrix pixels;
} pgm;
pgm_error pgm_read_from_file(pgm *p, char *filename);
pgm_error pgm_write_to_file(pgm *p, char *filename);
pgm_error pgm_negative(pgm *neg, const pgm *const orig);
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_hori(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig);
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_vert(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig);
pgm_error pgm_symmetry_cent(pgm *sym, const pgm *const orig);
pgm_error pgm_photomaton(pgm *photomaton, const pgm *const orig);
pgm_error pgm_crop(pgm *crop, const pgm *const orig, int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y0, int32_t y1);
pgm_error pgm_conv(pgm *conv, const pgm *const orig, const matrix *const kernel, int32_t norme);
\ No newline at end of file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "matrix.h"
#include "TraitImage.h"
int main (void){
pgm p;
pgm neg;
pgm hori;
pgm vert;
pgm cent;
pgm photomat;
pgm crop;
pgm conv;
matrix kernel;
int32_t tab[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
matrix_init_from_array(&kernel, 3, 3, tab, 9);
pgm_read_from_file(&p, "Images/mandrill.pgm");
pgm_negative(&neg, &p);
pgm_symmetry_hori(&hori, &p);
pgm_symmetry_vert(&vert, &p);
pgm_symmetry_cent(&cent, &p);
pgm_photomaton(&photomat, &p);
pgm_crop(&crop, &p, 500, 300, 500, 200);
pgm_conv(&conv, &p, &kernel, 9);
pgm_write_to_file(&neg, "Images/neg.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&hori, "Images/hori.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&vert, "Images/vert.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&cent, "Images/cent.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&photomat, "Images/photomat.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&crop, "Images/crop.pgm");
pgm_write_to_file(&conv, "Images/conv.pgm");
\ No newline at end of file
gfx.c 0 → 100644
/// @file gfx.c
/// @author Florent Gluck
/// @date November 6, 2016
/// Helper routines to render pixels in fullscreen graphic mode.
/// Uses the SDL2 library.
#include "gfx.h"
/// Create a fullscreen graphic window.
/// @param title Title of the window.
/// @param width Width of the window in pixels.
/// @param height Height of the window in pixels.
/// @return a pointer to the graphic context or NULL if it failed.
struct gfx_context_t* gfx_create(char *title, uint width, uint height) {
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) goto error;
SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow(title, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888,
uint32_t *pixels = malloc(width*height*sizeof(uint32_t));
struct gfx_context_t *ctxt = malloc(sizeof(struct gfx_context_t));
if (!window || !renderer || !texture || !pixels || !ctxt) goto error;
ctxt->renderer = renderer;
ctxt->texture = texture;
ctxt->window = window;
ctxt->width = width;
ctxt->height = height;
ctxt->pixels = pixels;
gfx_clear(ctxt, COLOR_BLACK);
return ctxt;
return NULL;
/// Draw a pixel in the specified graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context where the pixel is to be drawn.
/// @param x X coordinate of the pixel.
/// @param y Y coordinate of the pixel.
/// @param color Color of the pixel.
void gfx_putpixel(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, int x, int y, uint32_t color) {
if (x < ctxt->width && y < ctxt->height)
ctxt->pixels[ctxt->width*y+x] = color;
/// Clear the specified graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context to clear.
/// @param color Color to use.
void gfx_clear(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, uint32_t color) {
int n = ctxt->width*ctxt->height;
while (n)
ctxt->pixels[--n] = color;
/// Display the graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context to clear.
void gfx_present(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt) {
SDL_UpdateTexture(ctxt->texture, NULL, ctxt->pixels, ctxt->width*sizeof(uint32_t));
SDL_RenderCopy(ctxt->renderer, ctxt->texture, NULL, NULL);
/// Destroy a graphic window.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context of the window to close.
void gfx_destroy(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt) {
ctxt->texture = NULL;
ctxt->renderer = NULL;
ctxt->window = NULL;
ctxt->pixels = NULL;
/// If a key was pressed, returns its key code (non blocking call).
/// List of key codes:
/// @return the key that was pressed or 0 if none was pressed.
SDL_Keycode gfx_keypressed() {
SDL_Event event;
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
return event.key.keysym.sym;
return 0;
gfx.h 0 → 100644
#ifndef _GFX_H_
#define _GFX_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define MAKE_COLOR(r,g,b) ((uint32_t)b|((uint32_t)g<<8)|((uint32_t)r<<16))
#define COLOR_GET_B(color) (color & 0xff)
#define COLOR_GET_G(color) ((color >> 8) & 0xff)
#define COLOR_GET_R(color) ((color >> 16) & 0xff)
#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00000000
#define COLOR_RED 0x00FF0000
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x0000FF00
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x000000FF
#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x00FFFF00
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
struct gfx_context_t {
SDL_Window *window;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Texture *texture;
uint32_t *pixels;
int width;
int height;
extern void gfx_putpixel(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, int x, int y, uint32_t color);
extern void gfx_clear(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, uint32_t color);
extern struct gfx_context_t* gfx_create(char *text, uint width, uint height);
extern void gfx_destroy(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt);
extern void gfx_present(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt);
extern SDL_Keycode gfx_keypressed();
CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -std=c11 -g -fsanitize=leak -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize=address
all: gfx_example
gfx_example: gfx_example.c gfx.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LIBS)
rm -f gfx_example
/// @file gfx.c
/// @author Florent Gluck
/// @date November 6, 2016
/// Helper routines to render pixels in fullscreen graphic mode.
/// Uses the SDL2 library.
#include "gfx.h"
/// Create a fullscreen graphic window.
/// @param title Title of the window.
/// @param width Width of the window in pixels.
/// @param height Height of the window in pixels.
/// @return a pointer to the graphic context or NULL if it failed.
struct gfx_context_t* gfx_create(char *title, uint width, uint height) {
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) goto error;
SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow(title, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888,
uint32_t *pixels = malloc(width*height*sizeof(uint32_t));
struct gfx_context_t *ctxt = malloc(sizeof(struct gfx_context_t));
if (!window || !renderer || !texture || !pixels || !ctxt) goto error;
ctxt->renderer = renderer;
ctxt->texture = texture;
ctxt->window = window;
ctxt->width = width;
ctxt->height = height;
ctxt->pixels = pixels;
gfx_clear(ctxt, COLOR_BLACK);
return ctxt;
return NULL;
/// Draw a pixel in the specified graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context where the pixel is to be drawn.
/// @param x X coordinate of the pixel.
/// @param y Y coordinate of the pixel.
/// @param color Color of the pixel.
void gfx_putpixel(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, int x, int y, uint32_t color) {
if (x < ctxt->width && y < ctxt->height)
ctxt->pixels[ctxt->width*y+x] = color;
/// Clear the specified graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context to clear.
/// @param color Color to use.
void gfx_clear(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, uint32_t color) {
int n = ctxt->width*ctxt->height;
while (n)
ctxt->pixels[--n] = color;
/// Display the graphic context.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context to clear.
void gfx_present(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt) {
SDL_UpdateTexture(ctxt->texture, NULL, ctxt->pixels, ctxt->width*sizeof(uint32_t));
SDL_RenderCopy(ctxt->renderer, ctxt->texture, NULL, NULL);
/// Destroy a graphic window.
/// @param ctxt Graphic context of the window to close.
void gfx_destroy(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt) {
ctxt->texture = NULL;
ctxt->renderer = NULL;
ctxt->window = NULL;
ctxt->pixels = NULL;
/// If a key was pressed, returns its key code (non blocking call).
/// List of key codes:
/// @return the key that was pressed or 0 if none was pressed.
SDL_Keycode gfx_keypressed() {
SDL_Event event;
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
return event.key.keysym.sym;
return 0;
#ifndef _GFX_H_
#define _GFX_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define MAKE_COLOR(r,g,b) ((uint32_t)b|((uint32_t)g<<8)|((uint32_t)r<<16))
#define COLOR_GET_B(color) (color & 0xff)
#define COLOR_GET_G(color) ((color >> 8) & 0xff)
#define COLOR_GET_R(color) ((color >> 16) & 0xff)
#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00000000
#define COLOR_RED 0x00FF0000
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x0000FF00
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x000000FF
#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x00FFFF00
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
struct gfx_context_t {
SDL_Window *window;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Texture *texture;
uint32_t *pixels;
int width;
int height;
extern void gfx_putpixel(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, int x, int y, uint32_t color);
extern void gfx_clear(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt, uint32_t color);
extern struct gfx_context_t* gfx_create(char *text, uint width, uint height);
extern void gfx_destroy(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt);
extern void gfx_present(struct gfx_context_t *ctxt);
extern SDL_Keycode gfx_keypressed();
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